College of Arts and Humanities



College of Arts and Humanities NAVIGATION


We are excited to hear of your interest in our dance program! 每年, we welcome an eclectic group of aspiring artists who have goals of performing, 教学, 和编排. It is highly recommended that prospective students apply to the university before auditioning for the dance program.

需要试镜 美术学士 候选人. Students take two technique classes chosen from either ballet, 当代, 爵士乐, 或利用, share a one-minute solo in a genre of dance of their choice, and complete an interview with dance faculty. 取决于日程安排, prospective students should expect the audition to take 2-3 hours, 在工作日, 完成.

文学学士 候选人 are also encouraged to audition (not required).

It is the Dance Program's preference that students audition as early in the season as possible. These classes and experiences speaking with faculty allow us to place prospective students in appropriate levels of technique classes for their first semester and determine eligibility for our selective Fine and 表演艺术 grants.

提交ting the 学生信息 below (at least two weeks prior to the desired audition date) will automatically initiate a conversation about scheduling your audition day. If you have any additional questions about our degree offerings, please contact Tricia Zweier.

Tricia Zweier, Dance Program Coordinator
(636) 949-4547



Select the choice that applies

Please attach the following:

3) One 推荐信
4) 宗旨声明: 200-250 word double-spaced typewritten statement of purpose. This statement should include the applicant's reason for wanting to earn a degree in dance, current range of career goals, and general comments upon the value of dance training to the individual.

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